- What being the subject of a Pulitzer Prize nominated story was like for Chris and his partner, Richard
- The power of storytelling for family caregivers
- Acknowledging the generation the caree is from
- Retrospective reflections on what he'd do differently
- What your caree knows and wants from you
- The two common aspects of caregiving we aren't prepared for
- Moving past regrets to see the joy of caring
- What love can do for another's health
- The four things that contributed to Chris' new healthy lifestyle
- What mindset and a visit to a psychic have in common
- How Chris in now sharing stories on a much larger scale
- The feeling of not being needed after loss
- Why grief isn't over in a year
- Ways of cataloging your experience with your loved one
- His advice to others preparing to live after loss
- Why even a year ago he could never have had this conversation
Stay tuned for AFTER THOUGHTS when Colleen shares something that Chris spoke of and why having the conversation about care planning is one of the most loving discussions a couple can share.
“The one person who wants you to take good care of yourself is the person that you’re caring for.”
“Be prepared for the rollercoasters.”
“My faith tells me that I will see him again. My mind tells me that he’s forever pain-free. And my heart tells me he’s standing right beside me.”
“In Sickness and In Health: A Couple’s Final Journey"
Many Avoid End-Of-Life Care Planning, Study Finds
Previous guest episodes mentioned during the show:
TAL with Leslie Cottrell Simonds
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