The story behind Beth’s new book, Who is God When We Hurt?
The indictment of the question of “Where was God”? and why it leaves us stuck
Facing the derailment of our plans
How searching for God is like making stew
The responsibility we have to understand who God is
Expanding, tweaking, fixing her definition of God
How her relationship to God and her prayer life changed during caregiving to her husband
The illusion of control and why we can’t always think about it
Answering the questions of where is God, why is this hurting, and why is this happening to me?
Why the search for God is about interpretation
Noah’s Ark - why you’ll never want to decorate a child’s nursery with this motif ever again
The mini-deaths of chronic illness
The power of community and affirming others in their grief
Who’s making clam sauce for dinner
Moving on and maintaining the love of a lost partner
The wisdom, understanding, and grace she received from other widows
The blessing in hearing the stories of those who’ve gone before you
What she hopes readers walk away with after reading her book
During AFTER THOUGHTS Colleen brings her attention to the themes of caring is caring, the strength gained from others, and the wisdom of the shared stories of those who’ve gone before us.
“There are things you can do to make bitter better.”
“Clearly, my idea of who God was was incorrect, or not fully known.”
“All of our stories make up the whole.”
Beth’s book, Who is God When We Hurt?
Everything Happens for a Reason by Kate Bowler
Esther Pearl’s podcast episode S2, Ep.8 - I Don’t Want to Be Your Caregiver, I Want to Be Your Wife
Related TAL episodes:
The “Irreverent Reverends” Beth alluded to:
TAL with Justin Bills and Mélanie Kern
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