What Ogun learned about the process of grief
Receiving a diagnosis during a rocky point of his marriage
When the real work of grieving began for him
How therapy and energy healing helped him
The difference between the 1st and 2nd year of grieving
Surrendering to grief without resistance
His boxing match with grief
What happens when we allow our hearts to crack open
Working through anger
Realizing his wife was still there with him and their daughter
Discovering the pleasant memories in the midst of grief
The meaning we assign to our life is how we experience it
The power in telling the funny stories about the deceased
The idea of being a “love trigger”
Why the simple moments of living bring on the tears
How grieving was different for himself and his daughter
Why the loss of a parent is more permanent to a chid than the loss of a spouse to a spouse
How he and his daughter are closer through loss
Creating an outlet for the emotions we store in our bodies
How he ministers his congregation differently
The transformative anchoring of the grief process
On staying present to the opportunities for connection
Ikigai - what it is and how it relates to grieving
The grief timeline
Being okay
The comfort in hearing stories
During AFTER THOUGHTS, Colleen talks about living the moments we could never plan into existence and the gifts we can receive when we allow ourselves to live in the present.
“Anything isn’t inherently good or bad, it’s how we choose to label it.”
“We’re okay.”
“There is no right or wrong time. It takes as long as it takes.”
Ogun’s book: Rants to Revelations
Ogun’s podcast: Pub Theology Live
Ogun’s sermon on ikigai (begins at the 33:30 mark)
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